Get ready to Ask Yourself “Y”

“Y” investing in a flyer, brochure, or logo is not enough.

Enrich One offers strategic story telling and marketing services to any organization seeking to connect and motivate an audience to a desired behavior. Simple terminology, direct solutions, proven process.

Marketing is NOT a flyer, logo or even a Facebook page. Effective marketing is the outcome of a solid plan. Our team can help with the strategic plan to get to the marketing services or whatever desired outcome that breaks-thru clutter and provides a return on your investment.

Our team developed an industry agnostic framework called the “Y Concept” which is designed to help organizations understand the process that leads to better products and services, repeat engagement, and profitable results.

The “Y” Concept is not limited to branding or storytelling services, but is the process of asking your organization the right questions that lead to profitable results.


Simple terminology + Direct solutions + Proven process

What is the “Y Concept”

The “Y Concept” is a strategic planning framework that can be used by any organization seeking a desired behavior from an audience.  It is designed to leverage the fundamentals of consumers decisions to inspire change within your organization and develop champions for your goals.

Who Can Use it?

Any organization with an end user or audience is encouraged to use the “Y Concept”. Below are some common use cases:  

Human Resources would like Employees to adopt a new program. Or better understand why a program is not working.

Real estate developer entering a new community and want to understand how to get the community to support the change.

Small Business launching a new product or want to better understand how to attract more customers.

Business owner or Department Head seeking to boost employee morale or develop a 3-year strategic plan at an Executive retreat.

Non-Profit or Community Organization seeking to re-connect, engage or grow their base.

Do I really Need it?

Strategic Planning, Marketing and Communications

Often times these three distinct functions are used interchangeably, but understanding the differences provides clarity and direction to any organization seeking enhanced performance.



Allow us to
connect with
your audience

Utilizing an holistic consumer experience model connects the desired behavior of your organization with the audience’s key drivers. The “Y Concept” factors all of the emotional decision making triggers and combines with your entity’s value proposition to create long lasting results.

People don’t buy what you do. They buy “Y” you do it.
— Simon Sinek

About the Creator of the “Y” Concept:

Alisha Commodore is an esteemed marketing and branding consultant, with 15 years of experience delivering award-winning communications and marketing strategies for Fortune 500 companies, and most recently expanding her private sector expertise to help non-profit organizations grow their membership base through strategic planning.

For more than a decade, Alisha Commodore has been laser focused on developing a deep understanding of target audiences through primary research; creating relevant and compelling messaging / activations; and delivering the brand's promise through strategic tactical marketing plans that leverages a variety of communications channels (print, social, OOH, digital, broadcast, event, grassroots). As a brand consultant she has helped organizations define KPIs, ensuring all marketing activity ties back to key organizational goals.